This is what happened...

The flatmate came home (will now on be called the flat mare or FM for short.) I said to him i was gonna cook some food. He said cool as long as you clean up after yourself. He then went on to say that If i left something sitting around he'e either throw it out or into my room. He also said that he was going to be the cleaning nazi. I tried to defend myself by saying, i dont leave stuff around until he does, (which is true) to which he replied that no i dont, and I dont help him clean i just leave. He also said that he hasnt seen me clean more than i needed for the meal i was about to cook. It was at about that stage that i was in such an amount of shock that i nodded and fled back into my room. I later realised that he was serious about the throwing out/into my room, because i bought lunch yesterday and left the container in the sink soaking, I was planning on cleaning it when i cleaned everything else when i made dinner that night. I thought later, hang on i havent washed it so where has it gone? He's thrown it. No warning, no asking me why it was there, hes just thrown it out.

I admit that I am not a cleaner. My room will attest to that, and yes i have been going off to the boy's place because HELLO I DONT WANT TO BE HERE!! I will defend myself by saying, that I try to not use much. I have my own coffee mug and plastic cup. I also do not use much because I am never!! here. I am normally at the boys every 2 nd night. One night home, one night at his, one night home. that kinda thing.

This rant and insults came out of the blue. I knew he was annoyed with the mess but it wasnt all mine. I know his GF is coming down on saturday and going home next sunday (oh joy... not) and he wants the house clean for her.

A friend came over last night and we cooked two meals (quesadas and shepards pie) and then washed everything. we were in my room looking at my computer, when my phone rang, (it was the boy) I went out of my room and the FM had the audacity to wave at me... Yeah i'm still pissed. He thinks he's won because we cleaned up. He doesnt realise that when the time is right I'm not going to tell him i'm moving, he'll just come home one day to find me gone. I'm sad the friendship has come down to this, but its not all my fault.


dam buster | June 4, 2009 at 1:47 PM

"Dude, your coke can was in the shower for a week" would have been my reply.

Christine | June 4, 2009 at 3:02 PM

The coke can is still in the shower... i refuse to take it out and he is too lazy to do it.

dam buster | June 5, 2009 at 9:48 AM

You soo have to do the counter for how long it has been in there.

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